Title: Function to Create Cursors from Graphics Files

Author: Ned Batchelder (ned at nedbatchelder.com)
Submission date: November 24, 2001

Description: Creates pygame cursors from a graphic file. This function allows you to draw your custom cursors in an image-editing program, and keep them all in a single file.

Download: MakeCursors.zip

pygame version required: Any
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: 2.0 or greater

Comments: Your image file must be a multiple of 32x32 in size, and must use certain colors: Black (0,0,0) and White (255,255,255) are treated normally, Red (255, 0, 0) and Magenta (255, 0, 255) are used to specify the hotspot, and any other color (green in the example) is transparent.

Messages: 0

Make pygame cursors from an image file

import pygame
import pygame.image
import pygame.cursors
def MakeCursors(filename, names):
    MakeCursors(filename, names):
    Read the image at filename, creating 32x32 cursors.  Return a dictionary
    of cursors, assigned to the names in names.
    Colors in the image:
    black and white are black and white.
    Red and magenta are the hotspot (colored black or white, respectively).
    Any other color is transparent.

    # Load the raw tile image
        tiles = pygame.image.load(filename)
    except pygame.error:
        raise pygame.error, 'Could not load image "%s" %s' % (filename, pygame.get_error())

    tileWidth = 32
    tileHeight = 32
    tileSize = (tileWidth, tileHeight)

    curs = {}


    # Split it into individual tiles
    for ycur in range(tiles.get_height() / tileHeight):
        for xcur in range(tiles.get_width() / tileWidth):
            tileX = xcur * tileWidth
            tileY = ycur * tileHeight

            strings = []
            hot = (0,0)

            if len(names) > 0 and names[0] != '':            
                for y in range(tileY, tileY + tileHeight):
                    l = ''
                    for x in range(tileX, tileX + tileWidth):
                        clr = tiles.get_at((x, y))[:3]
                        # not sure why, but the colors are impure.  Force them to black, white, or green
                        pclr = map(lambda x: x > 100, clr)
                        if pclr == [0,0,0]:
                            l += 'X'
                        elif pclr == [1,1,1]:
                            l += '.'
                        elif pclr == [1,0,0]:
                            l += 'X'
                            hot = (x - tileX, y - tileY)
                        elif pclr == [1,0,1]:
                            l += '.'
                            hot = (x - tileX, y - tileY)
                            l += ' '

                data = pygame.cursors.compile(strings, ".", "X")
                curs[names[0]] = ( (tileWidth, tileHeight), hot) + data

            names = names[1:]

    return curs

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print MakeCursors('cursors.gif', ('arrow', 'forward', 'left', 'right'))

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