The game will developed in 8 weeks. The biggest challenge will be reaching 1.0 within the given timeframe. This is the primary goal of the project leader. This document breaks down the development into a hierarchy of sub-projects and teams that will be needed. and lays down a timeline for milestones.
Timeline, what must be finished for each week. weeks will be referred to by labeled name. date is sunday at the end of each

WEEK 1, March 30: DESIGN
Starting design finished and list of baseline resources. Core design teams should be assigned. development site created.

WEEK 2, April  6: CORE
Solid start of core development. Most parts of the core will probably start in isolation, but merged together by end of the week. Resource teams start on placeholders. Class interfaces and module communication is locked. game browser code finished.

WEEK 3, April 13: CORE2
Continued core development. All placeholder resources finished by this week. Early this week we will put stricter 'nonbreaking' rules into effect, which effect cvs checkins. Tasklist must be created end by week end.

WEEK 4, April 20: ALPHA
Development opens to non-core volunteers. End of this week requires a playable alpha.

WEEK 5: April 27: ALPHA2
Development. Playtesting begins with a limited set of volunteers.

WEEK 6: May    4: BETA
End of this week requires a playable beta, which means all features in place (even if not quite finalized)
WEEK 7: May   11: BETA2
Playtesting for volunteers, with bugfixes and polish being primary goals. Wider level of playtesting.

WEEK 8: May   18: FINAL
Last week. Real website needed (not just for dev. info) Code checkins are strictly controlled. Binary packages. Balloons.