This module requires Pygame 1.8 and either Numeric or NumPy.

# module """Tools for adding a shadow effect to pygame images Exports make_shadow, make_shadow_opaque, place_shadow, add_shadow. pygame.display.set_mode() must be called before this module's functions can be used. """ import pygame _arraytype = pygame.surfarray.get_arraytype() if _arraytype == 'numeric': from Numeric import UInt8 as uint8, minimum, array, Float32 as float32, Int32 as int32 elif _arraytype == 'numpy': from numpy import uint8, minimum, array, float32, int32 else: raise TypeError("Unrecognized surfarray array type %s" % _arraytype) def make_shadow(image, ambience=None): """Return a shadow representation of image for a given ambient lighting image - foreground image. ambience (optional) - 0.0 to 1.0: Ambient light ratio. 0.0 gives a totally black shadow while 1.0 gives no shadow. Defaults to 0.0 . """ if ambience is None: ambience = 0.0 elif not (0.0 <= ambience <= 1.0): raise ValueError("ambience must be between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive") if image.get_masks()[3] != 0: image_alpha = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image) if ambience > 0.0: shadow_alpha = (image_alpha * (1.0 - ambience)).astype(uint8) else: shadow_alpha = image_alpha elif image.get_colorkey() is not None: image_alpha = pygame.surfarray.array_colorkey(image) image.unlock(); image.unlock() # pygame 1.7 bug (fixed in 1.8). surface_alpha = image.get_alpha() if surface_alpha is not None: # Do what array_colorkey should have done: use surface alpha! minimum(image_alpha, surface_alpha, image_alpha) if ambience > 0.0: shadow_alpha = (image_alpha * (1.0 - ambience)).astype(uint8) else: shadow_alpha = image_alpha else: image_alpha = image.get_alpha() if image_alpha is None: image_alpha = 255 shadow_alpha = int(image_alpha * (1.0 - ambience)) shadow = image.convert_alpha() shading = pygame.Surface(shadow.get_size(), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(shading)[...] = image_alpha shadow.blit(shading, (0, 0)) pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(shadow)[...] = shadow_alpha return shadow def make_shadow_opaque(size, ambience=None, pixel_size=None): """Return a retangular shadow for the given ambient lighting size - (width, height): shadow dimensions. ambience (optional) - 0.0 to 1.0: Ambient light ratio. 0.0 gives a totally black shadow while 1.0 gives no shadow. Defaults to 0.0 . pixel_size (optional) - bits per pixel - defaults to screen value. This version is provided for performance. """ if ambience is None: ambience = 0.0 if pixel_size is None: rest = () else: rest = (pixel_size,) shadow = pygame.Surface(size, 0, rest) shadow.set_alpha(255 * (1.0 - ambience)) return shadow def place_shadow(image, shadow, shadow_offset): """Return a surface that combines the image and shadow image - foreground image. shadow - image shadow. shadow_offset - (dx, dy) amount, in pixel, to shift shadow center relative to image center. """ image_rect = image.get_rect() shadow_rect = shadow.get_rect() = shadow_rect.move_ip(shadow_offset) rect = image_rect.union(shadow_rect) result = pygame.Surface(rect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) result.blit(shadow, (shadow_rect.left - rect.left, - result.blit(image, (image_rect.left - rect.left, - return result def add_shadow(image, shadow_offset, shadow_scale=None, ambience=None): """Return a copy of image with a shadow added image - a surface with or without alpha or colorkey. shadow_offset - (dx, dy) amount, in pixel, to shift shadow center relative to image center. shadow_scale (optional) - amount by which to scale the shadow. defaults to 1.0 (no scaling). ambience (optional) - 0.0 to 1.0: Ambient light ratio. 0.0 gives a totally black shadow while 1.0 gives no shadow. Defaults to 0.0 . """ if (image.get_flags() & pygame.SRCALPHA or image.get_colorkey() is not None): shadow = make_shadow(image, ambience) if shadow_scale is not None: size = (array(shadow.get_size(), float32) * shadow_scale).astype(int32) shadow = pygame.transform.smoothscale(shadow, size) else: size = (array(image.get_size(), float32) * shadow_scale).astype(int32) if shadow_scale is None: shadow_scale = 1.0 shadow = make_shadow_opaque(size, ambience, image.get_bitsize()) return place_shadow(image, shadow, shadow_offset) __all__ = ['make_shadow', 'make_shadow_opaque', 'place_shadow', 'add_shadow']

Manipulating a surface's alpha values is one use for Pygame's surfarray module and an array package like Numeric or NumPy. The alpha values of a surface can be isolated as a two dimensional array of bytes.

image_alpha = pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(image) Array operations can be performed on the alpha bytes. shadow_alpha = (image_alpha * (1.0 - ambience)).astype(uint8) This multiplies all alpha bytes in the array by a floating point value. The intermediate floating point array is then cast into the final array of single byte integers. Finally, a surface's alpha values can be replaced with new values using an assignment to an array slice. pygame.surfarray.pixels_alpha(shadow)[...] = shadow_alpha Below is a demonstration program that adds shadows to text. import pygame, sys try: pygame.surfarray.use_arraytype(sys.argv[1]) except IndexError: pass except ValueError: print ("Unknown array type %s. Valid types are %s." % (sys.argv[1], ", ".join(pygame.surfarray.get_arraytypes()))) sys.exit() from pygame.locals import * from shadows import * def main(): screen_size = (400, 200) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_size) screen.fill((255, 255, 200, 255)) rect = screen.get_rect() for i in range(3): rect.inflate_ip(-60, -60) pygame.draw.rect(screen, Color('gray'), rect, 1) pygame.display.flip() font = pygame.font.SysFont([], 24) ambience = 0.4 textA = font.render("Per-pixel alpha, ambience %.1f" % ambience, True, Color('blue')) labelA = add_shadow(textA, (20, 10), shadow_scale=0.8, ambience=ambience) ambience = 0.2 alpha = 180 textB = font.render("Surface alpha %i, ambience %.1f" % (alpha, ambience), True, Color('red'), Color('white')) textB.set_alpha(alpha) labelB = add_shadow(textB, (20, 10), shadow_scale=0.8, ambience=ambience) ambience = 0.2 textC = font.render("No alpha, ambience %.1f" % ambience, True, Color('white'), Color('black')) labelC = add_shadow(textC, (20, 10), shadow_scale=0.8, ambience=ambience) ambience = 0.8 textD = font.render("Colorkey, ambience %.1f" % ambience, True, Color('white'), Color('black')) textD.set_colorkey(Color('white')) labelD = add_shadow(textD, (20, 10), shadow_scale=0.8, ambience=ambience) screen.blit(labelA, (50, 20)) screen.blit(labelB, (50, 67)) screen.blit(labelC, (50, 114)) screen.blit(labelD, (50, 160)) pygame.event.set_blocked(MOUSEMOTION) repeat = 1 while repeat: for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type in [pygame.QUIT, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN]: repeat = 0 break elif e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: key = e.key if key == K_q or key == K_ESCAPE: repeat = 0 break pygame.display.flip() if __name__ == '__main__': main()

This is the sampling of shadow effects it displays.