Title: Class for FPS-independent timing

Author: David Clark (da_clark at shaw.ca)
Submission date: April 09, 2001

Description: Provides fps-independent scaling for movement and duration timing

Download: pytimer.tar.gz

pygame version required: Any
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: 2.0

Comments: Here's another system for managing timing issues in a realtime game. This code scales all movement, duration and interval calculations to compensate for the current framerate. The disadvantage of this system is that movement can become choppy when framerates drop - a sprite moving at 200 pixels per second will move 60 pixels per frame if the framerate drops to 5 fps. On the other hand, a constant speed will be maintained; the sprite will move at 200 pixels per second regardless of the framerate.

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#! /usr/bin/env python

ScaleClock - Allow your realtime application to self-adjust for fps changes.

There are two general approaches to handling timing issues in a game. The first
is to specify a maximum frame rate, and use pygame.time.delay() to make the length
of each frame as close to the preceeding one as possible. This has the advantage of
simplicity, but it means that a powerful machine will run at the same rate as a
slow one, reducing efficiency - much processor time could be wasted in delay loops.

This example demonstrates the alternative - running at the maximum possible framerate,
then scaling all events to match. This method is more complicated; each moving object
must have its movement rate scaled to compensate for longer or shorter frame durations.
In addition, each recurring event must take into account the length of each frame in
its timer.

Create a timer object, then call timer.begin before your main loop, and timer.tick()
during that loop.  You'll need to handle movement and interval issues as mentioned
above; check the example code at the bottom to see how to do it.

import pygame, sys

class FpsClock:
    def __init__(self):
        self.frame_duration = 0.000
        self.this_frame_time = 0
        self.last_frame_time = 0
    def tick(self):
        "Call this every frame"
        self.this_frame_time = self.get_current_time()
        self.frame_duration = (self.this_frame_time - self.last_frame_time) / 1000.000
        self.last_frame_time = self.this_frame_time

    def get_frame_duration(self):
        "Returns the length of the previous frame, in seconds"
        return self.frame_duration

    def get_current_time(self):
        "Used internally. Returns current time in ms."
        return pygame.time.get_ticks()

    def begin(self):
        "Starts/restarts the timer. Call just before your main loop."
        self.last_frame_time = self.get_current_time()
if __name__ == "__main__":


    timer = FpsClock()


    # Object setup for the movement example
    display = pygame.display.set_mode((320, 20), pygame.SWSURFACE)

    red_square = pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SWSURFACE)
    red_square.fill((255, 0, 0))
    black_square = pygame.Surface((20, 20), pygame.SWSURFACE)
    black_square.fill((0, 0, 0))

    square_speed = 160 
    square_x = 0

    # Setup for the interval example
    tick_interval = 1.000
    tick_time = 0

    # Change this to see how different framerates result in consistent
    # motion. Try values like 50 or 200
    delay_duration = 5
    while 1:
        # Interval example
        tick_time += timer.get_frame_duration()
        if tick_time > tick_interval:
            tick_time = 0
            print "Tick"

        # Motion example
        display.blit(black_square, (square_x, 0))
        square_x += (square_speed * timer.get_frame_duration())
        if square_x > 320:
            square_x = 0
        display.blit(red_square, (square_x, 0))

        # Insert artificial delay

        # Must call this every frame

        # Check for keypress, exit if we get one.
        keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        for key in keys:
            if key:

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