Title: Interference Pattern Effect

Author: Gareth Noyce (http://www.korruptor.demon.co.uk)
Submission date: July 11, 2002

Description: An effect that animates two copies of a concentric circle image to produce a nice interference effect.

Download: interference.zip

pygame version required: 1.3.4 with Surfarray
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: 2.0 with Numeric

Comments: From the "frigging-clever" department comes interference.py, Gareth Noyce's latest Numeric-powered submission. Once two-color gif image is used, and Numeric is used to slice the image into screen-sized sections. These sections are then superimposed using Numeric's very fast add() function, and the result is a three-color image that can be redrawn very rapdily to produce a nice effect. This script is a good example of Numeric used very well - slow for-loops are replaced by very fast slicing operations.

Messages: 1

Program		: interference.py
Author		: Gareth "Korruptor" Noyce -- http://www.korruptor.demon.co.uk
Desc		: 

                Yakk, Yakk. Interference Circles, more for the Amiga retro collection... :)

We load an image of concentric circles, whose dimensions are larger than the screen. Using
2 copies of the surfarray of this image; we take screen sized array-slices from each, moving
the offsets around a sin.  As the loaded image is a 2 colour gif, and the effect runs on an 8bit 
display, we can use Numeric's add() to sum the arrays, giving a simple surfarray to a custom
3 colour palette. Nice...

Play with the colours, change the image loaded (I was lazy by making a gif, but it does allow you
to play around with different numbers of circles or random shapes...) and adjust the sines to suit 
your taste....

import pygame, pygame.image
from pygame.surfarray import *
from pygame.locals import *
from Numeric import *

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

RES 		= (320,200)
PI 		= 3.14159
DEG2RAD 	= PI/180

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def main():
    	# Initialise pygame, and grab an 8bit display.
    	screen		= pygame.display.set_mode(RES,0, 8)

        # Setup the palette -- choice of colours is pretty important to getting the effect
        # to work well. Mine aren't that great, but then, this is a quickie ;-)
        colour_map = zeros((256, 3))
        # Background colour...
        colour_map[0][0] =255
        colour_map[0][1] =255
        colour_map[0][2] =0

        # Circles, not overlapping...
        colour_map[1][0] =32
        colour_map[1][1] =255
        colour_map[1][2] =89

        # Circles, overlapping...
        colour_map[2][0] =225
        colour_map[2][1] =225
        colour_map[2][2] =148

        # Something to write to...
        screen_buffer	= pygame.surfarray.array2d(screen)

        # Load the Base image and make a couple of copies...
    	ring1_surf	= pygame.image.load("ring1.gif")
        ring1_arr 	= pygame.surfarray.array2d(ring1_surf)  
        ring2_arr	= ring1_arr

        xang = 0
        yang = 0
        xang1 = 0
        yang1 = 0

        x = 0
        y = 0
        x1 = 0
        y1 = 0

        # Fruity loops...
        while 1:
            # Have we received an event to quit the program?
            for e in pygame.event.get():
                if e.type in (QUIT,KEYDOWN,MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):

            # Calculate the offsets for the slices of the two images...
            offx = ((RES[0]/18)-10)*sin((xang*DEG2RAD) * 2.7)
            offy = ((RES[1]/13)-10)*cos((yang*DEG2RAD) * 2.5)
            offx1 = ((RES[0]/19)-12)*sin((xang1*DEG2RAD) * 2.2)
            offy1 = ((RES[1]/18)-12)*cos((yang1*DEG2RAD) * 2.5)

            # Increment the positions of the slices...
            x += offx
            y += offy
            x1 += offx1
            y1 += offy1

            xang += 1.2
            yang += 2.1
            xang1 += 1.5
            yang1 += 1.7

            # Cut each slice from it's surfarray: [bp+offset:bp+offset+width, bp+offset:bp+offset+height]
            foo = ring1_arr[40+int(x):40+int(x)+RES[0], 200+int(y):200+int(y)+RES[1]]
            bar = ring2_arr[80+int(x1):80+int(x1)+RES[0], 240+int(y1):240+int(y1)+RES[1]]
            # Add the two arrays...
            screen_buffer = add(foo,bar)

            # Show results...
            blit_array(screen, screen_buffer)

        # Bye!
        print screen_buffer

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# End of sauce. Pass the chips...

From: hgrehgv

Date: November 29, 2004 14:57 GMT


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