Title: Meltdown

Author: Sebastian "WhiteTiger" John (TheWhiteTiger at gmx.net)
Submission date: September 29, 2002

Description: A port of the 'Melt' effect.

Download: meltdown.zip

pygame version required:
SDL version required:
Python version required:

Comments: This script ports the well-known 'melt' effect, familiar to users of the 'xmelt' program, and to players of Doom.

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Name:		Meltdown
Author:		Sebastian "WhiteTiger" John
Email:		TheWhiteTiger@gmx.net

This is public domain code.

Meltdown -- 'mess up the screen' (cite by David Lemke). This effect takes a
surface, moves blocks from the top downwards and fills the place where the
block has been with black until the whole surface is black. If you want to
use it in your own code, have a look at the definition of 'main()'.

This is a port of the linux/Xlib program 'xmelt' by Dave Lemke. I did almost
nothing more than porting the C/Xlib stuff to python/pygame. Unfortunately
my port is much slower than the original code... That means that it doesn't
need any pygame.time stuff at all ;)

import random
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

def myrandom(n):
    # another layer of overhead...
    return random.randrange(n)

class Meltdown:
    def __init__(self, surface, min_size=10, max_size=100, min_dist=10,
            min_width=30, width_add=20, finished=50):
        self.surf = surface
        self.WIDTH, self.HEIGHT = surface.get_size()
        self.MIN_SIZE = min_size
        self.MAX_SIZE = max_size
        self.MIN_DIST = min_dist
        self.MIN_WIDTH = min_width
        self.WIDTH_ADD = width_add
        self.MAX_HEIGHT = self.HEIGHT - self.MIN_SIZE
        self.FINISHED = finished
        self.heights = []
        while len(self.heights) < self.WIDTH: self.heights.append(0)
        self.finished = 0
    # this procedure is only for historical reasons
    # it is now inlined because of speed
    #def calc_xloc(self, width):
    #    # original version
    #    #xloc = rand(self.WIDTH + self.MIN_WIDTH) - self.MIN_WIDTH
    #    #xloc = rand(self.WIDTH) - self.MIN_WIDTH
    #    #xloc = rand(self.WIDTH) - 2*self.MIN_WIDTH
    #    #xloc = rand(self.WIDTH)
    #    # this one seems to look best:
    #    xloc = rand(self.WIDTH + self.MIN_WIDTH) - 2*self.MIN_WIDTH
    #    return max(min((xloc + width), (self.WIDTH - width)), 0)
    def step(self):
        # redefinitions to speed things up a little bit
        WIDTH = self.WIDTH
        MIN_WIDTH = self.MIN_WIDTH
        HEIGHT = self.HEIGHT
        MAX_HEIGHT = self.MAX_HEIGHT
        rand = myrandom
        heights = self.heights
        surf = self.surf
        _range = range
        _min = min
        _max = max
        # precalculations
        width = rand(MIN_WIDTH) + self.WIDTH_ADD
        #xloc = self.calc_xloc(width)
        xloc = rand(WIDTH + MIN_WIDTH) - 2*MIN_WIDTH
        xloc = _max(_min((xloc + width), (WIDTH - width)), 0)
        yloc = HEIGHT
        for i in _range(xloc, (xloc + width)):
            yloc = _min(yloc, heights[i])
        if yloc == HEIGHT:
            return surf, []
        # calculate block size
        dist = rand(yloc/10 + self.MIN_DIST)
        size = rand(_max(yloc + self.MIN_SIZE, self.MAX_SIZE))
        # define rects for blitting
        destpos = (xloc, yloc + dist)
        destrect = (xloc, yloc, width, dist)
        sourcerect = (xloc, yloc, width, size)
        # the visible bit
        surf.blit(surf, destpos, sourcerect)
        surf.fill((0, 0, 0), destrect)
        # postcalculations
        yloc += dist
        for i in _range(xloc, (xloc + width)):
            if heights[i] < MAX_HEIGHT and yloc >= MAX_HEIGHT:
                self.finished += 1
            heights[i] = _max(heights[i], yloc)
        if self.finished >= (WIDTH - self.FINISHED):
            return None, []
        # everything is fine, return the new surface
        return surf, [sourcerect, destrect]

def main():
    # resolution
    #RES = (640, 480)
    RES = (320, 240)
    #RES = (160, 120)
    # pygame initialization
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(RES)
    # load and convert an image
    image = pygame.image.load("back.jpg").convert()
    image = pygame.transform.scale(image, RES)
    # blit the surface to the screen
    screen.blit(image, (0,0))
    # instantiate the Meltdown class
    meltdown = Meltdown(image)
    # first step
    surface, dirty = meltdown.step()
    # main loop
    while surface:
        # event stuff
        for ev in pygame.event.get():
            if ev.type in (QUIT, KEYDOWN, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
        # redraw screen
        screen.blit(surface, (0,0))
        # next step
        surface, dirty = meltdown.step()

if __name__ == "__main__":

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