Title: Starfield

Author: Jon Parise (jon at csh.rit.edu)
Submission date: May 13, 2001

Description: Displays a simple moving parallax starfield.

Download: starfield.zip

pygame version required: Any
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: Any

Comments: Mr. Parise's code displays a starfield, and creates the illusion of movement through parallax effects. The direction of movement can be changed by pressing the left and right arrow keys, and two different movement speeds are available (hit the down or up arrow keys). Hit Esc to quit.

This example demonstrates that it is possible to draw and erase individual pixels quickly using pygame. If you need to update the whole screen, the key is to do as Mr. Parise does below - call pygame.display.update() only once per frame; calling it after every drawing operation is wasteful and produces flicker.

Messages: 1

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""starfield, by Jon Parise (jon at csh.rit.edu)

Simple program to display a moving parallax starfield.

The speed of the starfield can be altered using the up and down arrows.
The direction of the starfield can be changed using the left and right arrows.

The algorythm is based on code by Sean Bugel (bugelsea at rcn.com).

import random
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

# Constants
SCREEN_SIZE = [640, 480]
WHITE = 255, 255, 255
BLACK = 20, 20, 40
LIGHTGRAY = 180, 180, 180
DARKGRAY = 120, 120, 120
LEFT = 0

def initStars(screen):
    "Create the starfield"

    # The starfield is represented as a dictionary of x and y values.
    stars = []

    # Create a list of (x,y) coordinates.
    for loop in range(0, NUM_STARS):
        star = [random.randrange(0, screen.get_width() - 1),
                random.randrange(0, screen.get_height() - 1)]

    return stars

def moveStars(screen, stars, start, end, direction):
    "Correct for stars hitting the screen's borders"

    for loop in range(start, end):
        if (direction == LEFT):
            if (stars[loop][0] <> 1):
                stars[loop][0] = stars[loop][0] - 1
                stars[loop][1] = random.randrange(0, screen.get_height() - 1)
                stars[loop][0] = screen.get_width() - 1
        elif (direction == RIGHT):
            if (stars[loop][0] <> screen.get_width() - 1):
                stars[loop][0] = stars[loop][0] + 1
                stars[loop][1] = random.randrange(0, screen.get_height() - 1)
                stars[loop][0] = 1

    return stars

def main():
    "Main starfield code"


    # Initialize the pygame library.
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE, HWSURFACE|DOUBLEBUF|FULLSCREEN)
    #screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE, HWSURFACE|DOUBLEBUF)

    # Set the background to black.

    # Simulation variables.
    delay = 8
    inc = 2
    direction = LEFT

    # Create the starfield.
    stars = initStars(screen)

    # Place ten white stars
    for loop in range(0, 10):
        screen.set_at(stars[loop], WHITE)

    # Main loop
    while 1:

        # Handle input events.
        event = pygame.event.poll()
        if (event.type == QUIT):
        elif (event.type == KEYDOWN):
            if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
            elif (event.key == K_UP):
                if (delay >= 2): delay = delay - 1
            elif (event.key == K_DOWN):
                if (delay <= 16): delay = delay + 1
            elif (event.key == K_LEFT):
                direction = LEFT
            elif (event.key == K_RIGHT):
                direction = RIGHT 

        # Used to slow down the second and third field.
        inc = inc + 1

        # Erase the first star field.
        for loop in range(0, 10):
            screen.set_at(stars[loop], BLACK)

        # Check if first field's stars hit the screen border.
        stars = moveStars(screen, stars, 0, 10, direction)

        # Second star field algorythms.
        if (inc % 2 == 0):

            # Erase the second field.
            for loop in range(11, 20):
                screen.set_at(stars[loop], BLACK)

            # Checks to see if the second field's stars hit the screen border.
            stars = moveStars(screen, stars, 11, 20, direction)

            # Place ten light gray stars.
            for loop in range(11, 20):
                screen.set_at(stars[loop], LIGHTGRAY)

        # Third star field algorythms.
        if (inc % 5 == 0):
            # Erase the third field.
            for loop in range(21, NUM_STARS):
                screen.set_at(stars[loop], BLACK)

            # Checks to see if the third field's stars hit the screen border.
            stars = moveStars(screen, stars, 21, NUM_STARS, direction)

            # Place ten dark gray stars.
            for loop in range(21, NUM_STARS):
                screen.set_at(stars[loop], DARKGRAY)

        # Place ten white stars.
        for loop in range(0, 10):
            screen.set_at(stars[loop], WHITE)

        # Control the starfield speed.

        # Make sure this variable doesn't get too large.
        if (inc == 500): inc = 2

        # Update the screen.

# Start the program.
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

From: boily

Date: August 20, 2003 01:08 GMT

For me, I only see a black, pitch black screen, like the emptyness of the Universe... is that normal?


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