Title: Zoom-able Surface Class

Author: David Rooney (idfx at hotmail.com)
Submission date: Feb 8, 2002

Description: A surface class that draws itself to user-supplied dimensions.

Download: ZoomScreen.zip

pygame version required: Pygame 1.4 Feb 8 CVS, or newer
SDL version required: Any
Python version required: 2.2 or newer

Comments: Traditionally, it has been impossible to subclass fundamental classes like pygame's Surface class. This has meant that if you wanted to implement a varient of the Surface class, you had to wrap it; this took more effort and introduced overhead for each method call. With Python 2.2, however, you can inherit from base classes, and with February 8th's CVS commit, you can subclass the Surface and Rect classes.

You can use the ZoomSurface just like a regular surface, following the instructions mentioned in the comments below. ZoomSurfaces have one additional power - the 'output' drawing can larger or smaller than the actual surface dimensions. For example, your surface might be 320 x 240, and you could have it drawn at 640 x 480, so small details can be more easily seen. Normally, you'd have to do a pygame.transform call yourself to accomplish this, but ZoomSurfaces do it automatically.

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#! /usr/bin/env python
#		ZoomScreen.py

import pygame
from pygame import display
from pygame.transform import scale, rotozoom
from math import tan, pi

class ZoomScreen:
	def __init__(self, size, source = None, opts = DOUBLEBUF):
	        """		ZoomScreen( size [,source [,options]] )   -->   None

		This is intended to be the main screen, the one usually returned
		by display.set_mode()
		Therefore, it takes mostly the same arguments as set_mode()does, with
		the optional addition of a specified source surface.

		The source surface defaults to None, which is really useless unless you
		set_source() soon after...

		This was written mainly with the intent of making small-scale graphics
		work visible while debugging, although I think it could also be used
		to show a miniature of a large surface, instead.  (eg: an inset map of
		the whole world while one sector of it is on screen)

		Possibly useless technical note:  if given a tuple, this function will
		use the transform.scale() function, or if given a scaling factor, will
		use tranform.rotozoom() (with rotation==0)
			if len(size) == 2:
				self.size = size
			elif len(size) == 4:
				self.size == size[-2:]
				self.size = size[:2]
		except TypeError:
			self.size = float(size)
		self.img = display.set_mode( self.size, opts )
		if source:
			self.source = source
			self.source = Surface( (0,0) )

	def set_source(self, src):
		if type(src) == pygame.SurfaceType:
			self.source = src

	def draw(self):
	        """		ZoomScreen.draw()   -->  None
			self.img.blit( scale(self.source, self.size),(0,0) )
		except TypeError:
			self.img.blit( rotozoom(self.source, 0, self.size),(0,0) )

class ZSurface( pygame.Surface ):
	"""		Mostly like any other Surface, with a few extra methods for zoom-related 
	actions.  Scales the ZSurface to any arbitrary size requested, when drawing. 
	The ZSurface itself remains a constant size, acting just like a normal Surface; 
	it only scales its draw() output.
	New member variables are:
		zoomsize 				# most recent requested size
		_aspect_ratio			# (read-only) current aspect ratio 

	Any Surface inquiries having to do with size will answer with actual sizes,
	not zoomed ones.	

	def __init__(self, *argv):
		Surface.__init__(self, argv)
		self.zoomsize = None
		if self.get_height() != 0:
			self._aspect_ratio = float(self.get_width()) / float(self.get_height())
			self._aspect_ratio = None
	def get_aspect_ratio(self):
	        """		ZSurface.get_aspect_ratio()  -->  float or None
		This method returns this ZSurface's aspect ratio, which is its width divided
		by its height ( w/h ).  If height is zero, (ie, divide-by-zero trouble) the 
		aspect ratio is redefined as None.
		return self._aspect_ratio
	def check_ratio(self, src, acceptable = 0.1):
	        """		ZSurface.check_ratio( src [, acceptable_distortion] )  -->  int

		Designed as a small convenience, this method will compare the aspect 
		ratios of this ZSurface and the given src Surface.  If the difference 
		between them is a float within an acceptable range, 0.1 (10%) by 
		default, this returns a 1, giving back a 0 if the distortion is too 
		If either Surface has an aspect ratio of None, it's certainly a bad 
		match, so it will simply return 0.
		This function is best called _before_ blitting a Surface to this one.  
		Otherwise, you could mistakenly blit a 10x75 Surface into, say, a 
		320x480 ZSurface, with appropriately disasterously ugly stretchy 
		However, squeezing a 180x200 Surface into a 170x190 ZSurface shouldn't 
		work out too badly (it's less than 1% distortion).

		Note that this function won't prevent you from doing such a (possibly) 
		foolish thing, if you want to.  Its sole purpose is to check beforehand.
		if self._aspect_ratio == None:
			return 0
			if is_instance( src, ZSurface ):
				othrAR = ZSurface.get_aspect_ratio()
				if othrAR == None:
					return 0
				x, y = src.get_size()
				if y== 0 or x==0:
					return 0
					othrAR = float(x)/float(y)
			ratio_diff = self._aspect_ratio - othrAR
			if abs( ratio_diff ) <= acceptable:
				return 1
				return 0

	def draw(self, (wide,high)=(0,0) ):
	        """		ZSurface.draw( [ (width,height)=(0,0) ] )    -->  Surface
		This function is for output only.  Big surprize.
		Called without arguments, it will return a copy of this ZSurface
		in its last known dimensions.  That is, if you haven't ever resized it,
		it will return in original size, but if you asked it to draw itself at,
		say, 320x200, each subsequent call will return a Surface of 320x200, 
		until you specify otherwise.
		This method will optionally take 1 argument, a length==2 sequence to 
		designate the desired return size (which will then be its default size).
		In the future, I think I'll also make it support RectType arguments, but
		it doesn't yet.  Sorry.
		if (wide == 0) and (high == 0):
			if self.zoomsize:
				zsize = self.zoomsize
				zsize = self.get_size()
		elif (wide == 0) or (high == 0):
			if self.zoomsize:
				if wide == 0:
					wide == self.zoomsize[0]
					high == self.zoomsize[1]
				self.zoomsize = [wide,high]
				if wide == 0:
					wide == self.get_width()
					high == self.get_height()
				self.zoomsize = [wide,high]
			zsize = self.zoomsize
			self.zoomsize = [wide,high]
			zsize = None
		if zsize:
			return scale( self, zsize )
			return self

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