Dinos in Space
logic-puzzle game
if you're really clever, collect all the snax...
there's an in-game tutorial that shows you all the controls as you go.
there's an in-game editor as well so you can create your own puzzles!
- Home Page
- http://dinopuzzlegame.com
Dinos in Space d1 — 19 Jul, 2011
Dinos in Space final release (windows + mac) — 16 May, 2012
Dinos in Space pre-release — 9 Apr, 2012
Dinos in Space final release — 5 May, 2012
Pygame.org account Comments
Me 2012-04-15 03:45
I get a pygame.error: No available video device.
I'm on a machine on which, for some reason, you have to add:
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER']='windib'For that error not to show up, you might want to add a try, except (except what?...) in your program's initialisation :)
pygame's faq suggests the following lines:import os
import platform
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
os.environ['SDL_VIDEODRIVER'] = 'windib'John 2012-04-15 21:05
Hi Dominic,
Thanks for letting me know the error. I've got a few questions: Are you running windows? If so which version? For the os.environ line, do you mean that you have to set that for any pygame program to run on your machine? I'll try adding those lines in and posting an update.
Me 2012-04-16 04:18
My version of windows is Windows XP sp3
and my directx is 9.0c, the latest.
I have no idea what causes this error but the machine I have at home (also win xp sp3 directx 9.0c) works without these lines added.
And yes, I need these lines to run any pygame program that opens a window.