This is a simple quad-tree class intended for static geometry such as the game world. It can be used to limit drawing, by returning the set of objects that intersect the screen (as in the example), and it can be used to speed up collision detection by returning the set of objects that intersect with the player's bounding box.

class QuadTree(object): """An implementation of a quad-tree. This QuadTree started life as a version of [1] but found a life of its own when I realised it wasn't doing what I needed. It is intended for static geometry, ie, items such as the landscape that don't move. This implementation inserts items at the current level if they overlap all 4 sub-quadrants, otherwise it inserts them recursively into the one or two sub-quadrants that they overlap. Items being stored in the tree must possess the following attributes: left - the x coordinate of the left edge of the item's bounding box. top - the y coordinate of the top edge of the item's bounding box. right - the x coordinate of the right edge of the item's bounding box. bottom - the y coordinate of the bottom edge of the item's bounding box. where left < right and top < bottom ...and they must be hashable. Acknowledgements: [1] """ def __init__(self, items, depth=8, bounding_rect=None): """Creates a quad-tree. @param items: A sequence of items to store in the quad-tree. Note that these items must possess left, top, right and bottom attributes. @param depth: The maximum recursion depth. @param bounding_rect: The bounding rectangle of all of the items in the quad-tree. For internal use only. """ # The sub-quadrants are empty to start with. self.nw = = = self.sw = None # If we've reached the maximum depth then insert all items into this # quadrant. depth -= 1 if depth == 0: self.items = items return # Find this quadrant's centre. if bounding_rect: l, t, r, b = bounding_rect else: # If there isn't a bounding rect, then calculate it from the items. l = min(item.left for item in items) t = min( for item in items) r = max(item.right for item in items) b = max(item.bottom for item in items) cx = = (l + r) * 0.5 cy = = (t + b) * 0.5 self.items = [] nw_items = [] ne_items = [] se_items = [] sw_items = [] for item in items: # Which of the sub-quadrants does the item overlap? in_nw = item.left <= cx and <= cy in_sw = item.left <= cx and item.bottom >= cy in_ne = item.right >= cx and <= cy in_se = item.right >= cx and item.bottom >= cy # If it overlaps all 4 quadrants then insert it at the current # depth, otherwise append it to a list to be inserted under every # quadrant that it overlaps. if in_nw and in_ne and in_se and in_sw: self.items.append(item) else: if in_nw: nw_items.append(item) if in_ne: ne_items.append(item) if in_se: se_items.append(item) if in_sw: sw_items.append(item) # Create the sub-quadrants, recursively. if nw_items: self.nw = QuadTree(nw_items, depth, (l, t, cx, cy)) if ne_items: = QuadTree(ne_items, depth, (cx, t, r, cy)) if se_items: = QuadTree(se_items, depth, (cx, cy, r, b)) if sw_items: self.sw = QuadTree(sw_items, depth, (l, cy, cx, b)) def hit(self, rect): """Returns the items that overlap a bounding rectangle. Returns the set of all items in the quad-tree that overlap with a bounding rectangle. @param rect: The bounding rectangle being tested against the quad-tree. This must possess left, top, right and bottom attributes. """ def overlaps(item): return rect.right >= item.left and rect.left <= item.right and \ rect.bottom >= and <= item.bottom # Find the hits at the current level. hits = set(item for item in self.items if overlaps(item)) # Recursively check the lower quadrants. if self.nw and rect.left <= and <= hits |= self.nw.hit(rect) if self.sw and rect.left <= and rect.bottom >= hits |= self.sw.hit(rect) if and rect.right >= and <= hits |= if and rect.right >= and rect.bottom >= hits |= return hits if __name__ == '__main__': import pygame import random # The class that we're storing in the quad-tree. It possesses the necessary # attributes of left, top, right and bottom, and it is hashable. class Item(object): def __init__(self, left, top, right, bottom, colour=(255, 255, 255)): self.left = left = top self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.colour = colour def draw(self): x = self.left y = w = self.right - x h = self.bottom - y pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.colour, pygame.Rect(x, y, w, h), 2) # Create 10,000 random items, some of which should overlap with the screen. colours = [ (0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (0, 255, 255), (255, 0, 0), (255, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0), (255, 255, 255) ] items = [] for i in range(10000): x = random.uniform(-5000, 5000) y = random.uniform(-5000, 5000) w = 5 + random.expovariate(1.0/50) h = 5 + random.expovariate(1.0/50) colour = random.choice(colours) items.append(Item(x, y, x+w, y+h, colour)) # Put them into a quad-tree. tree = QuadTree(items) WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.DOUBLEBUF) quit = False while not quit: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: quit = True elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: quit = True # Use the quad-tree to restrict which items we're going to draw. area = pygame.Rect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT) visible_items = tree.hit(area) # Draw the visible items only. screen.fill((0, 0, 0)) for item in visible_items: item.draw() pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit() print "Total items:", len(items) print "Visible items:", len(visible_items)

Hi, I found this very useful (thank you), but ended up modifying it to assume that everything you pass to it is a pygame.Rect or is an object with a .rect attribute. This turned out to be the case for everything I wanted to use it for and is faster and more convenient in that case.

Most of the speedup comes from using rect.collidelistall() to do the dirty work in hit(). I also experimented with using rect.collidedictall() but the dict.update() to merge them turned out to be slower.

from pygame import Rect class QuadTree(object): """An implementation of a quad-tree. This QuadTree started life as a version of [1] but found a life of its own when I realised it wasn't doing what I needed. It is intended for static geometry, ie, items such as the landscape that don't move. This implementation inserts items at the current level if they overlap all 4 sub-quadrants, otherwise it inserts them recursively into the one or two sub-quadrants that they overlap. Items being stored in the tree must be a pygame.Rect or have have a .rect (pygame.Rect) attribute that is a pygame.Rect ...and they must be hashable. Acknowledgements: [1] """ def __init__(self, items, depth=8, bounding_rect=None): """Creates a quad-tree. @param items: A sequence of items to store in the quad-tree. Note that these items must be a pygame.Rect or have a .rect attribute. @param depth: The maximum recursion depth. @param bounding_rect: The bounding rectangle of all of the items in the quad-tree. For internal use only. """ # The sub-quadrants are empty to start with. self.nw = = = self.sw = None # If we've reached the maximum depth then insert all items into this # quadrant. depth -= 1 if depth == 0 or not items: self.items = items return # Find this quadrant's centre. if bounding_rect: bounding_rect = Rect( bounding_rect ) else: # If there isn't a bounding rect, then calculate it from the items. bounding_rect = Rect( items[0] ) for item in items[1:]: bounding_rect.union_ip( item ) cx = = bounding_rect.centerx cy = = bounding_rect.centery self.items = [] nw_items = [] ne_items = [] se_items = [] sw_items = [] for item in items: # Which of the sub-quadrants does the item overlap? in_nw = item.rect.left <= cx and <= cy in_sw = item.rect.left <= cx and item.rect.bottom >= cy in_ne = item.rect.right >= cx and <= cy in_se = item.rect.right >= cx and item.rect.bottom >= cy # If it overlaps all 4 quadrants then insert it at the current # depth, otherwise append it to a list to be inserted under every # quadrant that it overlaps. if in_nw and in_ne and in_se and in_sw: self.items.append(item) else: if in_nw: nw_items.append(item) if in_ne: ne_items.append(item) if in_se: se_items.append(item) if in_sw: sw_items.append(item) # Create the sub-quadrants, recursively. if nw_items: self.nw = QuadTree(nw_items, depth, (bounding_rect.left,, cx, cy)) if ne_items: = QuadTree(ne_items, depth, (cx,, bounding_rect.right, cy)) if se_items: = QuadTree(se_items, depth, (cx, cy, bounding_rect.right, bounding_rect.bottom)) if sw_items: self.sw = QuadTree(sw_items, depth, (bounding_rect.left, cy, cx, bounding_rect.bottom)) def hit(self, rect): """Returns the items that overlap a bounding rectangle. Returns the set of all items in the quad-tree that overlap with a bounding rectangle. @param rect: The bounding rectangle being tested against the quad-tree. This must possess left, top, right and bottom attributes. """ # Find the hits at the current level. hits = set( [ self.items[n] for n in rect.collidelistall( self.items ) ] ) # Recursively check the lower quadrants. if self.nw and rect.left <= and <= hits |= self.nw.hit(rect) if self.sw and rect.left <= and rect.bottom >= hits |= self.sw.hit(rect) if and rect.right >= and <= hits |= if and rect.right >= and rect.bottom >= hits |= return hits