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pylge (files lost)

Pretty sure even if I felt like working on an engine like this again, I would start fresh. Too much distance from the project. An engine to handle 16bit era style games - overhead rpgs, sidescrolling platformers, and scrolling shooters. Physics engine, ai, handling of multiple scenes, scrolling tilemaps, and scripting for the script kiddies.

patrick mullen
Called pylge - PYthon Light Game Engine, originaly this was the plan. It has grown in scope however and I'm looking for a better name. Currently being used to make an as yet unnamed scrolling space epic similar to flashback or metroid. Or maybe that game is just an excuse to work on an engine :) Currently could be considered feature complete, if you don't mind bucketfulls of bugs, wonky physics, slow and unoptomized scene rendering, and having to go out of your way to beat the api into submission whenever you want to add some new object type. Physics are newtonian, but collision detection is simple squares only. Animated tiles are not yet supported. It's definitely not ready for public use.



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