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Game of Death

By the power of Poseidon, Behold! Conway's Game of Death!

Daniel Gabriele
The name of the game follows from life's natural complementarity with death. No, it doesn't mean anything morose -- not unless you consider cellular automata morose -- in that case, you are a strange person. #### By the way, I tried to structure the code clearly and concisely for anyone who's interested. #### #### Rules #### CLICK, HOLD, MOVE LEFT MOUSE BUTTON TO SEED CELLS # (LEFT/RIGHT) decrease/increase update speed (default: max) # (DOWN/UP) decrease/increase alpha channel (transparency) # (C) clear the ashes of cells that have died # (R) toggle random colors # (H) for help # (Q) to quit #### To Run the Game #### Linux: $python # Windows: err... ummm... click on it!



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Game of Death 1.0 — 8 Jun, 2009 account Comments