Zombie Shooter
Zombie Shooter is all about killing the all the Zombies!
Simon H. Larsen
The Zombie Shooter is NO LONGER an ongoing development. I will not be uploading new releases until I've finished developing the Unity3d version of this game.
This game ia all about killing zombie while you move around meanwhile the intensity rises.
This game ia all about killing zombie while you move around meanwhile the intensity rises.
- Home Page
- http://simonhl.dk/zombie-shooter/
Zombie Shooter 0.1 — 7 Feb, 2013
Zombie Shooter 0.2 — 13 Apr, 2013
Pygame.org account Comments
L0LN1NJ4 2013-02-10 01:06
I tried running the game in Ubuntu, it only worked after I swapped some of the backslashes '\\' in the file paths to forward slashes. I think the non-OS dependent method is to separate each part of the path as a separate parameter, like "images","character" instead of "images\\character".
metulburr 2013-04-14 10:35
in shots.py you still have it hard coded pathProj = os.path.join(pathWork, "images\\projectiles") in what i assume is 0.2