Wario Land 3
Nintendos Wario Land 3 for the Gameboy Color recreated in pygame
Bugme Not
Project Released under Bugmenot account because there is still no way to register a new account on this broken website!!!
Wario Land 3 recreated in pygame. I only created the first scene of the first level so far. Scenes are created in Tiled and then exported to json. Here's a video that showcases what the game/engine can do.
All textures have been taken from various game texture riggers. Please check out github for more information.
Wario Land 3 recreated in pygame. I only created the first scene of the first level so far. Scenes are created in Tiled and then exported to json. Here's a video that showcases what the game/engine can do.
All textures have been taken from various game texture riggers. Please check out github for more information.

Wario Land 3 0.1 — 30 Aug, 2016