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Super Pac-Man

Super Pac-Man game using Pygame


Pac-Man game using Pygame


In 2050, competitive shooting has dominated the sports industry. After months of competing, who will emerge victorious in the final championship round?

C.A.R.S - Crash Arena Rolling Stars

An awesome game to play and race bots!

First Project

This is a test


Cantus - MP3 player developed in pygame


Full of unique pens and modes and all the basic ones


Now Fixed! A 2D Terraria type game (version 0.0.10) you will need python 2.7.14 and Pygame for that version

Pygame menu

Menu for pygame, simple, lightweight and easy to use

Minecraft clone

this game does have a few glitches so be aware of that

Zombie Pygame

My attempt at creating a top down zombie shooter game, test driven development style!


Parachute! This is my attempt to remake of one of my favorite mobile games - Skydiver (originally in Nokia 3510i) Goal is to learn how to program 3d engine from scratch. I've managed to write let's say an engine (it has no compare to Unity for example! ;-)) which is able to display any 3d object. Not only flat ones like in this simple proof-of-concept game. But there is still lot to do and learn! It is written in Python, with pygame. It is not using opengl, or similiar. Watch it in action on:




Space max is a type of space invaders


Free side-scrolling team action game.

Fight for Glory I

Filled with amazing surprises with challenges :)

Welcome To The Dungeons!

Welcome To The Dungeons! This a book based on the routes you want to take! (coming soon)




An open-source graphical toolkit for PyGame.

Quiz with pythyn

A muliple choice quiz made for school. Features: Suppert 2 languages: english and dutch Has over 100 multiple choice questions


game of ships


A 2D Platformer where mice take over the kitchen.


PygInputBox is a module that implements non-polling input box UI for Pygame.

Tic Tac Two

The computer version of the game Tic Tac Toe in a very easy to play format

Tic Tac Two

The computer version of the game Tic Tac Toe in a very easy to play format

RRT Path finding algorithm

Rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm implementation.


just some classes and functions. It is my first program on pygame

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