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Pygame extension written in C.


Space max is a type of space invaders


addictive 2D logic & puzzle game

Dark Gates

RPG game inspired by "Death Maze/ Labirynt Smierci"


It's a typing game, where you type words falling from the top of the screen. It's also a game about insects. GPLv3.


pyBta is my personal playground, where I learn to program small applications and mini games, so own and quite traditional. PyBta not a tool to use and is, rather, a library that allows me to explore and poke about things I do not understand and I want to learn. So not intended as a competitor to other existing libraries but a contribution from someone who simply wants to deliver his idea. pyBta es mi patio de recreo personal, donde aprendo a programar pequeñas aplicaciones y mini juegos, de manera propia y bastante artesanal. PyBta no es una herramienta al uso y es, más bien, una biblioteca que me permite explorar y curiosear sobre las cosas que no entiendo y me apetece aprender. Por eso no pretende ser un competidor para otras bibliotecas existentes pero si un aporte de alguien que simplemente quiere dar a luz su idea.


Image sliding style puzzle game


A Minesweeper clone with a retro feel.

The Maze

The Maze is an first-person indie horror game. Find all eight keys, which are scattered around an dark labyrinth.


Handle your game events easier! Pygvent is a simple yet useful event framework for PyGame.

Find a Way

A pathfinding demo demonstrating A*

Basic Blind Chess

Blind Chess also known as "Dark Chess" or "Banqi" or Half Chess , is a two-player Chinese board game played on a 4x8 grid, or half of the xiangqi (Chinese Chess) board. This application is using Taiwan rule.


Based on a PyMike's original work, a new PyGame library to obtain with minimal coding menu-based interfaces in your games!


2d platformer game about a robot.

Run and jump to collect coins and shoot your way through mobs and blue barrier doors. Avoid getting hit by spikes, lasers, or mobs and find your way to the white exit.


Python and PyGame bundled in a single executable launcher.

space game 2 universal invasion

Space game 2 has finally arrived!A unique turret shooter,space game 2 has 3 game modes(story,challenges,and soundtrack).Go to my website: to buy space game 2 for $9 dollars.


Shoot the mutated food with your de-evolution gun.

Lethal Blow

A simple go-left-and-fight-monsters beat-em-up written for Ludum Dare #26.

Simple Chess

Just a simple chess game. No AI so it must be played two player. Comes with source code.

Python Virtual Assistant

Python Virtual Assistant is a virtual assistant written in Python that is highly extensible.


Yet another tetris clone. Has a tetromino shadow, which makes it simpler to play quickly. Has some sounds too (created with sfxr).

Fireworks Simulator Python

Fireworks simulator made in python.

A simple Asteroids game

An asteroids game, nothing more to say about it. Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to select/shoot. You can navigate the menu with the mouse as well.


An RPG Game similar to Legend of Zelda done in python and pygame.

Mek's Sample Code

A collection of some simple pygame examples I wrote to illustrate basic concepts.

Square Shooter

Square Shooter is an abstract shooter (duh!) very loosely based on the classic arcade game Asteroids. It’s quite addictive, so take care not to ruin your mouse!

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