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Basic Blind Chess

Blind Chess also known as "Dark Chess" or "Banqi" or Half Chess , is a two-player Chinese board game played on a 4x8 grid, or half of the xiangqi (Chinese Chess) board. This application is using Taiwan rule.

Pygame RPG Fighter

Take control of your character and challenge the perilous dungeon, battling waves of enemies!


Pymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library that can be used whenever you need 2d rigid body physics from Python.

RPG Tactical Fantasy: In The Name of The Five Cats

RPG Tactical Fantasy game, turn-based and in 2D.

Omegle Chat Bot!

You can use this bot to troll people in Omegle with the entire bee movie or Shrek script!

Pygame menu

Menu for pygame, simple, lightweight and easy to use

Pygame Collisions Tutorial

Collisions for a Tile based 2D platformer


Hello, this is my racing game.


Platformer game I've been working on

Fractal Landscapes Demo

Random Fractal Landscapes with a Zoomer. A reproduction of my 1992 Commodore Amiga demo routine.

Sprinting Shark - Remastered

Sharks, Lasers, and Chemical Waste...

Flappy bird

Flappy Bird clone coded in PyGame


Free side-scrolling team action game.

Text Editing Input IME example

Why is TEXTINPUT needed when we have KEYDOWN events? It's because one key press doesn't always match up to one character generated. Sometimes several characters can be generated. This is why the old KEYDOWN events are not sometimes enough.

Historical Wargame Simulator

Historical battle simulator in the form of a tactical map with the purpose to provide both enjoyment and educational value to the player.


a space shoot em up style game

Midi musical intrument controllers and synthesizers with python and pygame

All the different ways midi can be used with pygame, and how to set up a virtual synth.

Wuxia World

Explore the 2D Wuxia World, train with the Elite Four or join renowned sects such as Shaolin and Wudang, acquire powerful items and complete quests to learn new moves and skills, and more! Will you choose the path of chivalry or take advantage of the weak to obtain power and riches? Do you have what it takes to win the Duel at Huashan and claim the title of "Number One in the World"? Begin your adventure in Wuxia World today!

Finger painting with multi-touch in pygame 2

pygame 2 has support for Multi-Touch. Finger tracking events and example multi-touch finger painting script.

Snake PNG

snake game made with 22 png images of parts of a snake (head with mouth closed, head with mouth open, tail in different positions, ....)

Tic Tac toe Project Game Multiplayer

The board is numbered like the keyboard’s number pad. And thus, a player can make their move in the game board by entering the number from the keyboard number pad .

Pygame Physics and Delta Time

Pygame Physics and Framerate Independence Tututorial

Space Invaders

Space invaders coded in PyGame

Mediocre Tetris

Small tetris game, with all the functionalities of old tetris.


pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games.

quakumei's Game of Biomass

Basically an implementation of Conway's game of life with arbitrary game field size.


Snake game [tutorial]

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