Chao Game
A very fun text game that you get to raise a virtual Chao. please give any recommendations.
Jack Valladares
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Chao Game Indev .75 — 18 Jul, 2011
Chao Game Indev .50 — 17 Jul, 2011 account Comments
Branson Gustafson 2011-07-31 00:51
good but your "randomization" does not work here is the code you need
numDigits = 2 (this line tells how many #s you want I.E. i say 2 it could come out as 23 or 87 or 25. get it?) numbers = list(range(10)) (this is the number it randomizes, I.E. it will start out at 0 '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9' FYI this is a list) random.shuffle(numbers) (tells what list to use) global money for i in range(numDigits): (i took this from a freind so i dont know what the "i" does haha:) ) money += str(numbers[i]
iv been programing in python for about a month now so im not good but i hope this helps you :)