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Kitty Vacuum Dodge! - 0.6

You're a cat in a house full of vacuums. You have no idea why there are so many, but you hate them all. Avoid the vacuums!

Space to jump
Esc to exit

You have 9 lives, each time you are hit, you lose one.

This is my first game using pygame, and first upload, which is currently a work in progress. Put together in about a night, I haven't done much polishing because I'm excited to get it up!



New in 0.6

  • Levels have been added! Each new level will double the number of vacuums that you had to dodge from the previous, as well as increase the frequency of them by .1 second.
  • Title screen has been added.
  • Fixed bug caused the timer to indefinitely count down after using your last life. You will now be returned to the title screen.


Home Page


Kitty Vacuum Dodge! 0.2 — 5 Sep, 2012

Kitty Vacuum Dodge! 0.1 — 4 Sep, 2012

Kitty Vacuum Dodge! 0.6 — 9 Sep, 2012 account Comments

  • Angello Maggio 2012-11-08 23:14

    Nice idea. I tried it and your cat goes off the screen when you go too far into that direction. Also it takes forever for a vacuum to appear. Keep trying tho!

  • Cristian 2012-11-24 00:43

    If you go with the cat outside the right edge you've escaped those scary vacuums for an indefinite number of levels :)
    Also, I think movement on the whole floor (so also some up / down) would be very welcome.
    Nice job so far!

  • Llortus 2013-01-26 00:07

    Thanks for the info guys, the fact that you can move outside of the screen bounds was a pretty big oversight on my part. I will definitely fix this the next time I'm working on the project, as well as taking general gameplay feedback into consideration.