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pyNekketsu - 0.04

An arcade soccer game, inspired by "Nintendo World Cup" AKA "Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu: Soccer Hen".

An arcade soccer game, inspired by "Nintendo World Cup" AKA "Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu: Soccer Hen". Based on retrogamelib for screen and dialogs, works with python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.x. For 1 or 2 players. Attack, take the ball and shoot! The game is far from being finished, but already playable. See it in action:


Added goalkeepers, menus and several heads.


Home Page


pyNekketsu 0.10 — 24 Aug, 2011

pyNekketsu 0.15 — 29 Feb, 2012

pyNekketsu 0.02 — 9 Jun, 2011

pyNekketsu 0.04 — 20 Jun, 2011

pyNekketsu 0.12 — 19 Sep, 2011

pyNekketsu 0.05 — 7 Jul, 2011 account Comments

  • Saluk64007 2011-06-21 06:33

    Very nice start! I never played the original, but this sure looks like the Dodgeball I remember from my gameboy. Great job with the camera, it feels exciting. I found it got boring a bit quick, so something needs to be done to liven it up, but I'm not sure what.

  • carlstucky 2011-07-14 15:53

    really cool i love it
    must have taken a little bit to make this fun but does get boring pretty fast
    keep up the good work

  • juggadore 2011-08-01 02:55


    can i use your code to build off of it?  i'd like to create a game like this, but a basketball version... i'll give you credit definitely for laying the foundation and link to this game...


    jmimu 2011-08-11 15:33

    since the code is under GPL, you can use it for anything you want (but you have to keep GPL license).
    But the bodies and some heads images are not mine, they are from the original game. It's not GPL at all.
    Maybe take the last version of the code (on github), all data is under GPL, it's safer. You can email me for any question.

    Good luck with your project !

  • JimmyPooh 2014-05-31 00:38

    Anyone know why I'd get this error?

    C:\Users\J\Downloads\pyNekketsu-015\jmimu-pyNekketsu-c3f490d>C:\Python31\python.exe .\
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\", line 31, in <module>
    from retrogamelib import display
    File "C:\Users\J\Downloads\pyNekketsu-015\jmimu-pyNekketsu-c3f490d\retrogamelib\", line 1, in <module>
    import display, button, dialog, gameobject, clock, font, util, constants, camera
    File "C:\Users\J\Downloads\pyNekketsu-015\jmimu-pyNekketsu-c3f490d\retrogamelib\", line 149

    print "You're holding the A button!"
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax