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A clone of the logic puzzle Hashi, aka Bridges or Hashiwokakeru

Howard Wallis

A clone of the logic puzzle Hashi, aka Bridges or Hashiwokakeru. This game is a simple logical elimination puzzle, so if you enjoy Sudoku or Minesweeper you'll love Hashi too.

The objective is to connect all of the numbered nodes together. You can draw connections in any of the four cardinal directions, and draw up to 2 connections along each direction. Each node must have as many connections as the number written on it, and as you make connections you can see the number go down until it reaches 0.

I was first introduced to Hashi as a daily puzzle in the video game "Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask", a fun game comprised of many puzzles. In Layton, Hashi is known as "The Alchemist's Lair" and is styled as such. Upon starting this project I didn't realise it was based upon the Japanese puzzle Hashiwokakeru; if you peek in the code you'll find lots of references to "flasks" and "pipes" which I never changed.

Download here.

The download contains the source .py file, and all of the assets required to run the game. So long as you have Python 2.7 and pygame, this should run.



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pyHashi 1.0 — 21 Aug, 2015 account Comments