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Based on a PyMike's original work, a new PyGame library to obtain with minimal coding menu-based interfaces in your games!


Pygame typesetting library


The long name is PyGameBuilder. It's meant to replicate the object and event system found in Game Maker, except it's written in python. It has no gui at this point. Sound and timers aren't implemented.


A 2D Library for PyGame and PyOpenGL.

Popup Gui

Quick GUI for popup boxes


TextWidget - A simple text class for PyGame

Rotating Menu

I liked shr4pnell's idea so I made my own.

Hex stuff

It's an hexagonal map implementation with some nice extras such as pathfinding and heightmap loading.

Mike's Simple GUI

Simple GUI that uses only Pygame.draw() calls to render itself.

Elements: 2D physics API for the Box2D Engine

Elements is an easy-to-use 2D physics API for the Box2D engine, including renderers for OpenGL, PyGame and Cairo.

Pygame Rotating Menu

This is just a simple Menu for Python which rotates.


A 2d game building environment. Featuring:
* wx based game-builder gui
* automatic code generation
* real-time game object manipulation

Quick Start guide in the download section.
Linux and Mac may require a little work to get running. Post to the google code discussion and I'll try to help.

Pygame Forms

A small python module I hacked together whilst working on a school assignment.

Retro Game Library

A library for creating NES and GameBoy style games.


A pygame addon for display text over surface with many dimension bounds.


BMenu 0.1


A simple pure python implementation of an pixel perfect collision detection algorithm.


Gloss is a high-performance graphics wrapper around Pygame that lets you take advantage of OpenGL without having to delve into the murky depths of 3D programming. Gloss lets you build 2D games where you can rotate, scale and recolor sprites on the fly, and also includes a selection of helpful mathematics functions to make the life of games coders easier.

Basic Guiu

lang = Esp Basic Guiu es una simple guiu basada en PyGame, esta pensada principalmente para diseñar pequeños y simples menus, para un conjunto mas avanzado se desarrollo el Modulo Frame que puede manejar mas comodamente los elementos como si fuese una ventana.


Simple interactive terminal for pygame


2d game world and sprite management library


gfxdraw wrapper to increase backwards compatibility with older versions of pygame.

map loader for 'tiled'

map loader for the tmx file format, generated by map editor 'Tiled'


A flexible graphical menu in pygame/python for text and/or images

pygame transparent vectors

A simple lib that can create pygame vectors with alpha transparency.


A simple framework for managing multiple states of a game.


pyenet - python bindings for the ENet library


vizier: a package for managing sprites and the screen, provides scrolling, scaling, and collision response. xrects: a package for polygons. uses the pygame rect as the axis aligned bounding box (AABB), and subclasses the rect to add the polygon object and methods for collision detection.


curves for python


A framework based on Pygame/Python for developing old-school 2D tile-based RPGs.

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