Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 - 0.5.1
When the melons of the world are stolen, Georg must go on a quest to save the worldâ??s melons supply. Collect watermelons, cantaloupes, and honeydews (and various other items) as you battle your way through maze-like levels, spitting seeds at enemies. This side-scrolling game features all original graphics plus an original soundtrack sure to drive you bonkers.
T R Bradshaw
Okay, so it isn't the source code exactly, but the Linux executable should work as long as you have pygame installed.
The Windows and Linux binary files are on the same page, so just follow the link below.
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 0.5 — 6 Apr, 2009
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 0.5.1 — 15 Apr, 2009
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 1.0 — 26 Jan, 2011
Georg's Melon Adventure - Part 1 1.0.0 — 14 Aug, 2010