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PygLibs - 0.3

PygLibs is a group of basic(for now) game libraries

PygLibs is GPL library written on top of Pygame(version 0.3 is public domain though, just ran out of itme on the last release), and will eventually contain many game libraries such as several tile map systems(flat 2d, hex, isometric, 3d-hopefully), gui and other useful features. I want this to kind of turn into an all-in-one game library for pygame, if you have any ideas for new libraries, code, or suggestions please e-mail me at


Total re-write with new features.
Sorry, source does not unpack into new directory.
Next release will address that issue.
For now, just copy the pyglibs directory where you want it.

Current features are:
An isometric engine that supports two different isometric grids, units, and transitions on the tiles.

A gui module with some various and simple widgets

An image module that adds some new resize transformations, animated images, and loading functions.

A pixelperfect library that supports fast, perfect collisions, hitmasks can be gotten form surfaces or animated images.

A font module that just makes fonts easier to deal with.

WARNING: the gui example uses the default font for pygame, which has been known to cause errors in linux, you may need to change that to run it.

Anyone that would like to test it out and let me know about any errors/bugs/problems they find would be greatly appreciated :)


Home Page


PygLibs 0.1 — 4 Aug, 2006

PygLibs 0.15 — 17 Aug, 2006

PygLibs 0.3 — 2 Aug, 2007 account Comments

  • Harp72951 2011-10-07 16:09

    better to follow this link to the 0.3 release:
    The front page on SF has a download link to some earlier release that is not very useful.