Fegaria - v0.0.4
Basically Terraria but with less content...
Fergus Griggs
Fegaria is similar to terraria except it features: Low budget assets! Not a great deal of content! (More in development) Buggy physics! Much more! Any issues? Put them below, I would love to try and fix them!
New item textures, hp, birds, tools, throwables, weapons and loot. (see changelog)
Pygame.org account Comments
GQ 2018-03-03 05:41
Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\python_project\Fegaria-master\Fegaria-master\fegararia v0.02.py", line 1200, in p.update() File "D:\python_project\Fegaria-master\Fegaria-master\fegararia v0.02.py", line 878, in update val=mapData[self.blockpos[1]+j-1-CHUNKSIZE][self.blockpos[0]+i-1-CHUNKSIZE][0] TypeError: list indices must be integers, not float -
Hunter W 2018-03-04 05:33
Just crashes for me, does not even open Also gives this error birdTilesheet=pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("Textures/birds.png"),(80,40)) error: Couldn't open Textures/birds.png -
Omega 3 2018-03-11 21:26
wow... -
anirudra 2019-03-30 06:47
I'm going first time online to download halo for pc so tell me a web address where i can get halo pc.