Python Super Stupid Space Invaders - 1.0
Super Stupid Space Invaders for Python
Kurt Dekker
Wrote this to learn Python/PyGame, and now I think I know enough to be utterly dangerous with this language. ONWARD!!
Python Super Stupid Space Invaders is done!
- invader boss wave every so many levels (huge guy, tough to kill)
- joystick support for moving and firing (and starting game)
- organized some include files differently, to save retyping
- track usage of the "N" key - it constitutes cheating
- track usage of the "X" key - it constitutes cheating
Python Super Stupid Space Invaders 0.2 — 27 Jan, 2007
Python Super Stupid Space Invaders 0.1 — 25 Jan, 2007
Python Super Stupid Space Invaders 1.0 — 28 Jan, 2007