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Fractal Drawer - 1

A program that draws fractals

I made this program because I could find any programs which let me input an equation to make my own fractals. I hope others find it useful or fun and it shouldn't need much experience to use.
NOTE: pygame and numpy need to be installed for it too work

Check the users guide for details about what each parameter does.


I made this program because I could find any programs which let me input an equation to make my own fractals. I hope others find it useful or fun and it shouldn't need much experience to use. NOTE: pygame and numpy need to be installed for it too work Here is a list of attributes the user can easily change when they run the program. Having some knowledge of fractals will make this clearer but it isn't necessary. max_iterations = 100 - How many times the function is applied to each pixel, the more iterations the more correct the approximation should be come. Can/will reduce detail if too small or large. max_range = 50 - How large the function can be before it stops iterating, changes how the image looks is displayed. x_range = (-2, 2) - The x component of the region of the argand diagram / fractal being displayed. Large shows a wider area but lower detail y_range = (2, -2) - The y component of the region of the argand diagram / fractal being displayed. Large shows a wider area but lower detail width, height = 600, 600 - Resolution of the program. Its set small to be compatible with most computers, 1920*1080 at 125% zoom power = 2 - The exponent applied to the previous iteration. For the Mandelbrot set the previous iteration is squared c_multiplier = 1 - A scaling factor for the addition of c. Again don't worry if you don't understand.


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Fractal Drawer 1 — 20 Apr, 2020 account Comments