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PolyPlay - 1.0.1

A physics playground, somewhat like sodaplay. Drag around structures of masses and springs, make landscapes of lines, or goof around with the "character".

Francesco Mastellone
Polyplay(I really am looking for a better name) is a physics playground based heavily on soft bodies. Drag around structures of masses and springs, make landscapes of lines, make walking structures, flood the screen with fluid, or just goof around with the character.


Fixed the GUI(took sooo much time. Had to dig damn deep for that), tweaked the parameters a bit, and overall made the thing more playable. I also optimized the point on line projection code. I was previously using an excellent snippet from a pygame user whose name I can't remember.


Home Page


PolyPlay 1.2.1 — 17 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.0.1 — 5 Feb, 2008

PolyPlay 1.2.0 — 16 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.2.2 — 21 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1 — 2 Feb, 2008

PolyPlay 1.0.3 — 9 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.0.2 — 7 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.3.0 — 3 Apr, 2008

PolyPlay 1.0.4 — 9 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.1.0 — 13 Mar, 2008

PolyPlay 1.4.0 — 25 Aug, 2008 account Comments

  • Yakov Reznikov 2016-05-22 03:12

    when i try to use it it says this

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "C:\Users\Yakking\Desktop\PolyPlay\", line 180, in <module>

    main = Main()

    File "lib\", line 44, in __init__

    self.init() #Start the personalized init

    File "C:\Users\Yakking\Desktop\PolyPlay\", line 26, in init


    File "C:\Users\Yakking\Desktop\PolyPlay\", line 78, in splashScreen

    pos =[0].x,[0].y

    IndexError: list index out of range