PyHalebarde - 0.2
An adaptation of "Halebarde et Gonfanon" in pygame. It's a small strategy game that could be a board game. For more details see this link (also translate in french).
Laurent Peuch
An adaptation of "Halebarde et Gonfanon" in pygame. It's a small strategy game that could be a board game.
For now you have to play on the same computer but we plan in a not so long term to add an online support.
Having an AI would be a great but I am not experimented in that sort of things, but if you do and want to code one for the game contact me.
This game still lack some proper documentation but you can read the originals rule here (they are also avaible in french).
We use some graphismes of Wesnoth:
PyHalebarde support custom theme, we haven't write documentation about that but you can look in the theme directory to have an idea on howto made your one, it's not realy complicated.
Last version:
PPA are available here for debian-ubuntu pkg:
To download the upstream version "bzr branch" in a shell.
You will need pygame and python-gobject and python-json (for theme support) to run the game.
Thanks to Matej Drame we have a py2exe version. But it doesn't support multiplaye. URL:
We also have an irc chan on freenode if you have any questions: #pyhalebarde
For now you have to play on the same computer but we plan in a not so long term to add an online support.
Having an AI would be a great but I am not experimented in that sort of things, but if you do and want to code one for the game contact me.
This game still lack some proper documentation but you can read the originals rule here (they are also avaible in french).
We use some graphismes of Wesnoth:
PyHalebarde support custom theme, we haven't write documentation about that but you can look in the theme directory to have an idea on howto made your one, it's not realy complicated.
Last version:
PPA are available here for debian-ubuntu pkg:
To download the upstream version "bzr branch" in a shell.
You will need pygame and python-gobject and python-json (for theme support) to run the game.
Thanks to Matej Drame we have a py2exe version. But it doesn't support multiplaye. URL:
We also have an irc chan on freenode if you have any questions: #pyhalebarde
We are pleased to announce you the release of pyHalebarde 0.2 "Kasteel".
This release offer a whole new experimental multi-player gaming support using Telepathy framework's tube system. The telepathy support is optional if you only want to play on the same computer. For this to work you will need a recent telepathy-gabble (at least 0.7.21) and Empathy (2.25.92).
To launch a network game with a friend simply launch :
The contact should also have empathy, gabble and pyHalebarde installed and be connected via XMPP/jabber.
There is 3 new translations : Italian, Catalan and Spanish, thanks to keul and malevolant.
It also features a few bug fixes and some Units tests to assure the code quality.
pyhalebarde 0.2 (Kasteel)
* Experimental network gaming support
* Lots of code rewrite to prepare for network support
* Now with Unit Tests for better quality code (LP #322459)
* Don't allow saboteur to move in enemy base. (LP #336355)
* Allow to end turn with keypad's enter (LP #323650)
* New translations : Italian, Spanish and Catalan (thanks to keul and malevolant)
This release offer a whole new experimental multi-player gaming support using Telepathy framework's tube system. The telepathy support is optional if you only want to play on the same computer. For this to work you will need a recent telepathy-gabble (at least 0.7.21) and Empathy (2.25.92).
To launch a network game with a friend simply launch :
The contact should also have empathy, gabble and pyHalebarde installed and be connected via XMPP/jabber.
There is 3 new translations : Italian, Catalan and Spanish, thanks to keul and malevolant.
It also features a few bug fixes and some Units tests to assure the code quality.
pyhalebarde 0.2 (Kasteel)
* Experimental network gaming support
* Lots of code rewrite to prepare for network support
* Now with Unit Tests for better quality code (LP #322459)
* Don't allow saboteur to move in enemy base. (LP #336355)
* Allow to end turn with keypad's enter (LP #323650)
* New translations : Italian, Spanish and Catalan (thanks to keul and malevolant)

- Home Page
- Source
PyHalebarde 0.1 "Kriek" — 29 Oct, 2008
PyHalebarde 0.1.2 — 2 Feb, 2009
PyHalebarde 0.2 — 15 Mar, 2009