You've Got Trouble - Open Beta 0.1 (XBOX Controller)
Hello, I and my people over at Moist Pants Games have just released the open beta to our very first game "You've Got Trouble!" From having no programming or art skills just 4 weeks ago. If you have a Computer with a Keyboard and/or a USB controller, download it for free and give it a try. It’s kind of an arcade 2d shooter multiplayer retro platformer where you fight a big boss which has two forms and many attacks. There are many other features to discover and enjoy. Please let me know if you give it a go, complete it, get a good score or encounter any bugs. Feedback is appreciated. GLHF! Lewis.

You've Got Trouble Open Beta 0.1 (Keyboard) — 15 Mar, 2017
You've Got Trouble Open Beta 0.1 (SNES Controller) — 15 Mar, 2017
You've Got Trouble Open Beta 0.1 (XBOX Controller) — 15 Mar, 2017