pysand - 0.4
falling sand game clone
A falling sand game clone
Choose an element on the palette to the left and draw.
Sand changes to the color you pick on the palette
Press 'c' to clear the screen.
Press 'l' to have particles loop around screen
Press 's' to save current state
Press 'r' to load a state
Right click to erase the area under your mouse
Thanks to monkjr for getting saving and loading to work
Thanks to Khono for helping get network mode run at playable speeds.
version 0.4 the elements are now 4x4 blocks and I've put them on a grid somewhat. press the left and right arrows to change elements. order of elements is wall, sand, water, plant, water fountain, fire.
press 'c' to clear the screen
I've finally gotten plant to grow with water and burn with fire without freezing/crashing the game!
And version 0.5 will have a color palette for sand. It should be released within a week.