pysand - 0.8
falling sand game clone
A falling sand game clone
Choose an element on the palette to the left and draw.
Sand changes to the color you pick on the palette
Press 'c' to clear the screen.
Press 'l' to have particles loop around screen
Press 's' to save current state
Press 'r' to load a state
Right click to erase the area under your mouse
Thanks to monkjr for getting saving and loading to work
Thanks to Khono for helping get network mode run at playable speeds.
new save and load feature thanks to monkjr!
press 's' to save current state
press 'r' to load saved state
saves and loads to 'test.sav'
put in density
future features:
One of the following will be in version 0.9
moddability as in creating your own elements
Wind and Pressure
plant does not interact with water properly. I have no idea why or how to fix it. Please let me know if you figure it out.